Welcome to Life’s Lessons on Purpose

The 1st lesson is creating your purpose. Don’t over think, it’ll grow and change as you do.

Why? Where to look?

During our hardest times when your darkest thoughts pierce your goals and giving up feels like the easiest path, you must have a purpose that is bigger than you that won’t be influenced by your doubtful thoughts. This will overcome the hardships to grow towards your goal.

Purpose– anything that is gonna push you (this is the starter for your life’s path to success).

My first life purpose is to live it, meaning experience all opportunities to figure out what you enjoy and dislike. I know this is common sense but just labeling it your purpose will boost motivation to pursue your goals with more passion. This is because having a purpose grounds you from being lost on your adventure.

It’s hard for many people to choose a purpose especially when your world is covered by conflicts, and it seems like every decision is clouded by other people’s opinions. Soooo
you must fill your purpose with real goals.
These goals should be making you excited to work and strive for progress  no matter who disagrees.(They can’t see it anyways)

Where to look for purpose? It’s what you truly desire which more often than not isn’t material gains but certain emotions like peace, love, and for me freedom.
I had to clear my mind and ask myself what’s the most important thing to me. Little goals will pass through your mind but dig deeper into your past and yourself to find what you can live for.

Purpose is your why/ it’s your motivator/ it’s your dream